Dear parents and students! Here I will post interesting links for students to
assist them with activities that we will be learning in class.
Science and technology activity:
Kingdoms of Living Things.
This activity and website supports the Life System science strand for grade 4 students.The Life Systems strand combines the study of traditional topics in life science or biology (e.g., animals, plants, ecosystems, and cells) with technology as it relates to basic human needs(e.g., the need for food, shelter, and clothing). Students begin their study of life systems with aspects that are familiar to them (e.g., animals and plants in their environment, their own bodies) and gradually move on to study global or abstract aspects, such as ecosystems, and less readily visible aspects, such as the microscopic world of cells. Of particular importance in theLife Systems strand is the investigation of interactions between living things and their environment. According to the Overall expectations from the Ontario Curriculum,
By the end of Grade 4, students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of habitat and community, and identify the
factors that could affect habitats and communities of plants and animals;
• investigate the dependency of plants and animals on their habitat and the interrelationships
of the plants and animals living in a specific habitat;
• describe ways in which humans can change habitats and the effects of these changes on the
plants and animals within the habitats.
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